Momentum & Trend, combining the two most important aspects of technical analysis.
The MOTR Research Service Fundamental trends, and in particular opinions about those fundamental trends, are constantly in flux, but there are core principles of trend following that must always be true. The MOTR research process is built around these very principles, which David refers to as the “inviolable rules of trend following”. This highly systematic research process incorporates elements of Momentum and Trend (MOTR) using several proprietary models across multiple timeframes.
The Weekly MOTR Report and the Monthly MOTR Checkup Video series together provide subscribers with insights into where David is finding opportunities and where he sees risks in the ever-changing market. The primary objective is to help readers stay in gear with primary market trends. “Charting My Interruption” (CMI), is a free-flowing note published during the week when there is an important market development or technical relationship to write about.
Under the Leadership of David Lundgren, CMT CFA. David has more than three decades of investment industry experience, both as an analyst and portfolio manager (global long only & hedge funds), with a focus on technical analysis strategies, particularly momentum and trend following. He presently manages a trend following & momentum based long/short hedge fund.
Investment Strategy
Discretionary decisions, guided by comprehensive systematic bottom up modeling process
Risk first. Successfully navigated the three largest bear markets of the last 25 years (’00, ’08, ’20).
Regime focus (bull, bear, neutral) provides context to signals. Focused on thematic industries with leading momentum and positive price trends.
Access Leading Market Research
US Markets Wrap, Breakfast with Lynlee Foo and Ryan Huang.
David Lundgren, Founder & Chief Market Strategist, MOTR Capital Management & Research gives his analysis on whether the rise...
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- Combining the two most important aspects of technical analysis, Momentum & Trend, into a timely, actionable, highly readable research product, designed to keep investors in gear with major market trends.